What do we do in Flors Lloveras

At Flors Lloveras we create bouquets and floral decorations to transform any space. We work with local suppliers and adopt sustainable practices to ensure that our flowers are not only beautiful, but also friendly to the planet.

Flors Lloveras ram
Rams flors Lloveras

Bouquets, seasonal flowers

Rams, flors de temporada
Rams flors Lloveras

Our selection of fresh and exclusive flowers is carefully chosen to reflect the diversity and elegance of nature. From vibrant bouquets to sophisticated arrangements, each creation is unique, designed to show your feelings with style and distinction.

Our creations are the work of a floral artist who combines current floral trends with tradition.

Rams flors Lloveras

Plants that transform spaces

Plants have the power to transform the spaces where we put them. From Flors Lloveras we advise you on selecting the most appropriate ones, due to the conditions of each space, and we create green corners that provide sensations of well-being and nature.

Plants Flors Lloveras
Plants Flors Lloveras
flors seques

Dry flower

Dry and preserved flowers have a special charm. In the store we have an exhibition area.

Decoració floral Flors Lloveras

Floral decoration

Discover the magic of flowers in Flors Lloveras. Let us be part of your special moments and transform them into memorable experiences.

We make decorations for stores, assemblies for celebrations… Our floral decoration gives each event a special and unique role.

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Des de Flors Lloveras us desitgem un gran NADAL, contents de compartir amb vosaltres la màgia de les flors!
Resum en imatges del taller Ram de Nadal!
Heu vist l’arbre de la plaça Sant Jaume? Fa 17 metres d’alçada i l’hem decorat nosaltres 🎄
Tallers de Nadal a la botiga! Envia’ns un whatsapp per més info o reservar plaça 👉 
688 358 792